" Success in motion "

The high technical expertise we have developped in pigments, dyes and additives but also polymers during our more than 20 years of existence combined with the strong technical backgrounds some of our people acquired in their former professional carreers within key international chemical companies, give us a high and unique valuable know how in colourmatching, this enables us to supply you with the most cost effective colour and additive concentrates.
In addition, our colour and additive masterbatches (HALS, flame retardants,...) are specially designed to fulfill every kind of production process you may internally run, such as: Injection, Blowing Injection, Extrusion, Blowing Extrusion,...
Also, our state of the art laboratory and production equipments very diversified and continually renewed allow us to develop taylor made colour and additive concentrates for every kind of plastic polymer:
And along with all this, our anual production capacity which exceeds more than 1 000 MTons enables us to deliver you in just a few days quantities ranging from 25 kgs to several MTons.